Meet the Mr Mortgages team

Established in 2004 by Mark Rainey, we have grown into the 16 strong team you see below. We are the local broker who comes to you.

Mark Rainey


01803 872109
  • Mark appeared on the Weakest Link in 2002 and still goes on about it if you let him!

    Emma Rushworth

    Mortgage Adviser

    07585 962626
  • Emma Rushworth. Mr Mortgages

    Emma's hobbies include going out with her family and doing the "oops upside your head" dance

    Mary Morgan


    01803 872109
  • Mary Morgan. Mr Mortgages

    Mary was a client and then came to work for us. Her hobbies include karaoke so don't forget to ask her to sing to you as we don't have any hold music

    Simone Bardsley


    01803 872109
  • Simone Bardsley. Mr Mortgages

    Simone started as our apprentice, her claim to fame is setting the land speed record in her Corsa on her commute to work from Brixham each morning

    John Nicol

    Mortgage Adviser

    07899 916393
  • John Nicol. Mr Mortgages

    John used to be a primary school teacher so please feel free to test him on his times tables and farmyard animal noises

    Beth Roberts

    Mortgage Adviser / Lifetime Mortgage Specialist

    07706 818003
  • Beth Roberts. Mr Mortgages

    Beth used to work for a dentist so please brush your teeth before appointments with her and don't forget to floss

    Adrian Jenkins

    Mortgage Adviser

    07743 225031
  • Adrian Jenkins. Mr Mortgages

    Adrian is a big fan of Swansea City and also Strictly Come Dancing. He is the only person in the world to have a sparkly all in one football kit

    Caroline Rainey

    Home Insurance Adviser

    01803 872109
  • Caroline Rainey. Mr Mortgages

    Caroline is a great worker, a great wife and mum. She's also never wrong about anything. Can you please release me now Caroline ?

    Peter Davies

    Mortgage Adviser / Lifetime Mortgage Specialist

    07590 106680
  • Peter Davies. Mr Mortgages

    Pete's first mortgage was written on parchment with a quill pen in 1850. He now leads the way in smart technology (a bic pen and A4 bit of paper)

    George Davies

    Mortgage Adviser / Lifetime Mortgage Specialist

    07496 010771
  • George Davies. Mr Mortgages

    George is Pete's son but despite that has turned into a lovely guy. We are still trying to find a sport he is not good at

    Cassidy Hampton

    Office Manager

    01803 872109
  • Cassidy Lenton. Mr Mortgages

    Intelligent, funny, diligent, these are just 3 of the words that Cass cannot spell, Cass has played bowls for England or ingland as she writes it

    Debbie Hickson

    Mortgage Adviser / Lifetime Mortgage Specialist

    07730 404392
  • Debbie Hickson. Mr Mortgages

    She once told us her escape plan if a lorry crashed into the office. She then proceeded to jump out of her chair and run out the back, it was hilarious

    Laura Lees

    Mortgage Adviser / Lifetime Mortgage Specialist

    07956 984233
  • Laura Lees. Mr Mortgages

    Laura recently got married, her husband John is a martial arts expert so I would like to say what a lovely, caring member of staff she is

    Chris Milner

    Mortgage Adviser

    07905 039899
  • Chris Milner. Mr Mortgages

    Chris and Mark have known each other since the age of 5, a mutual love of Aston Villa has led to many a disappointing Saturday afternoon

    Toby Bennett

    Mortgage Adviser

    07794 403194
  • Toby Bennett. Mr Mortgages

    Mark met Toby at Southampton University in 1993. Their paths crossed again a decade later, Mark thought it was destiny, Toby just put it down to bad luck

    Gary Thomas

    Mortgage Adviser

    07427 697152
  • Gary Thomas. Mr Mortgages

    Gary was originally a client of Mr Mortgages and was so interested in mortgages, took all his exams and asked Mark for a job. Sad but true

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