Mr Mortgages can find you competitive and suitable home insurance.
We can shop around to find a competitive deal and most suitable cover on your home insurance. There are lots of things to consider when taking out home insurance and it is important to get the right cover which our experience and expertise will help you do. Below we give some definitions of buildings and contents insurance although it is important to note that each policy is different so using an experienced broker is essential in obtaining the right cover.
Buildings are defined as the structure of the home itself, the walls doors, roof, plumbing, wiring, insulation and any permanent fixtures & fittings. By permanent fixtures and fittings, we mean fitted bathrooms or kitchen units. Just imagine being able to tip your home upside down, if it doesn't fall out then it is part of the building. The general rule to follow is, if you were to move out of the property, anything that you would leave behind is classed as Buildings. One grey area relates to fitted carpets, are they Contents or Buildings, generally they are treated as Contents but it is always best to check. The definition of Buildings also extends to include outbuildings, garages, greenhouses, sheds, patios, walls, drives, fences, gates etc. However you may find that cover on some items, such as fences and gates may be restricted.
If you have obtained a mortgage on your property, your lender should have given you a sum insured in your survey report. Frequently the amount requested is higher than the actual true rebuilding cost, As insurance at the requested amount is a requirement of your mortgage loan, the fact that it is incorrect is academic and you should insure for the stated sum to avoid being in breach of your policy conditions. If you do not have a mortgage on your property, you will be required to calculate your own insurable sum and we are unable to offer assistance in this matter suffice to say that the Association of British Insurers produce an excellent guide to rebuilding costs based on the property size.
The average clause has the effect of reducing a claim in direct proportion to the amount of under insurance. If the difference between the incorrect sum insured and the true sum insured is large, this can have a devastating effect on a claim. If you are in any doubt as to the true rebuilding cost of your property or you are unhappy with using the calculators on the association of British Insurers web site, you should seek a professional opinion.
Contents includes just about everything in the home (and your garage or outbuildings) belonging to you or a member of your family. Some policies are now extended to give a small amount of cover for your guest's effects as well. Your policy cover will also include cover for items that you do not own but you are responsible for (a rented television set for example). Examples of your Contents are; Furniture, furnishings, moveable fixtures & fittings, electrical equipment, your clothing.