A buy-to-let mortgage is a mortgage sold specifically to people who buy property as an investment, rather than as a place to live.
Mr Mortgages are specialists in this field having sold buy to let mortgages for over 15 years and having access to the whole market. Several of the advisers are also experienced landlords and we are members of the Devon Landlords Association.
How much you can borrow will depend on your deposit, personal circumstances and rental income. Lenders normally require you to earn more in rent every month than you repay on your mortgage
Buy to let income is taxable, we recommend you see specialist tax advice and work closely with many accountants/advisers who are very experienced in this field.
This is a tax put on any transaction involving the sale of property or land. You will have to pay an extra 3% on top of the standard stamp duty tax when purchasing any buy-to-let property above £40,000